AMR owns an exploration concession close to Boké city in Republic of Guinea (RoG). This bauxite ore project includes a mine with a crushing unit and all the associated ancillaries; and the bauxite transportation from the mine to the port for exportation, with an expected production capacity of 5Mtpa of bauxite. The exploration license of bauxite ore project is located just in the south-west part of Boké city which is in the north-west of the capital, Conakry (about 158km in straight line). For that purpose, AMR requested a scoping study to obtain an overall project definition with an estimation of the Capex vs Opex, hence the profitability of its mining project.
Rendel undertook all maritime elements associated with:
- Analysis of input data set
- Definition of transport options to study
- Final study of transport of bauxite from mine site to port
- Capex and Opex will be estimated with a 50% tolerance
- General layouts of rail and port areas
Rendel also provided an estimate of the existing infrastructure, to evaluate it in terms of capacity and technical limits and/or financial constraints regarding the usage of public infrastructures.