January 2017
Nepal transport due diligence services
Rendel is providing technical support on a roads improvement project in Nepal. A consortium led by IMC Worldwide with Rendel and four US-based consultants won the first Task Order from a three-year MCC-funded Transport and Vertical Structures (TVS) Framework programme. There are several further opportunities worldwide within this TVS Framework programme.
The key aims of the MCC in Nepal are to provide investment in:
- Improving road maintenance (road condition and safety)
- Reduce trucking associated costs
- Reduce border friction and cross border trade inefficiencies
Rendel is acting as a subconsultant to IMC Worldwide providing the following expert support:
- MIS Expert
- Road Maintenance and Institutions Specialist
- Geotechnical (Soils) Expert
- Geotechnical (Geologist) Specialist
The programme is funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a US government foreign aid agency which was created to help fight against global poverty. The MCC is working with the Government of Nepal to support the transport sector on both infrastructure activities and activities related to policy, legal regulatory and institutional reform.
Nepal’s geography and weather conditions make road improvements challenging. The mountainous terrain, monsoon-affected climate and seismic risk means that bridges, structures and geotechnical solutions are crucial. Rendel’s work will be focused on the improvements to rural and feeder roads and the maintenance interventions, geotechnical solutions for the extensive areas of landslide, slope instability and other geotechnical defects based on the field inspections of nearly 200km of mountain roads, as well as giving institutional advice to the Government of Nepal on road management and maintenance.
The project started in July 2016 and is due for completion in 2019.